Oct 21, 2018

How RMM Can Enhance the Customer Experience

RMM plays an increasingly vital role in customer experience and customer satisfaction.

RMM Tech Explained

First, let’s focus on why the customer experience is so important. Companies such as Amazon, Zappos, Apple, and Uber have made it a central part of their brand.

The reason is simple: companies that focus on customer experience realize important benefits. Research has demonstrated that satisfied customers will spend more on products, exhibit deeper loyalty and recommend a brand more frequently than customers who are not satisfied. For those reasons alone, producing a positive customer experience should be considered a competitive edge.

What role does Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) play in enhancing the customer experience? Here are three places where RMM can be particularly useful in creating more satisfied customers:

RMM and Customer Support

RMM can play a significant role in creating a positive customer experience.

For example, RMM can improve customer satisfaction by monitoring equipment for problems. The right RMM platform can even predict problems before they surface. Perhaps a piece of equipment exhibits certain symptoms before it breaks down. Through remote monitoring and management, alerts are sent warning about potential problems, but beyond simple alerts, RMM platforms customize alerts and remotely fix problems before they lead to any downtime.

What if the problem has gotten so bad that the equipment failure has led to downtime? The customer will need to contact support, explain what happened and then wait for a technician to be dispatched. An RMM solution circumvents those steps and cuts down on truck rolls, delivering remote fixes. All of this could happen before the customer even calls to speak with a support desk. How much happier would the customer be if they knew that help was already on the way?

RMM and Inventory

In a world where Amazon is increasingly dominating the shopping experience, customers want their products quickly and they want them shipped for free within a couple of days. That’s becoming table stakes when competing for customers’ share of wallet.

RMM solutions can keep inventory levels high enough to meet customer demand. In warehouses where products are stored, sensors will know when supply is low and send an automatic order to replenish. This in turn keeps customers happy because they can order their products without delay.

RMM and Personalization

Because RMM platforms collect so much more data about the customer, it’s possible to personalize many of the customer’s interactions with your company. Marketing messages can be limited to the types of products or services that would interest a particular customer. With multiple devices all connected, like digital signs and self-service kiosks, personalized data can be used to push real-time campaigns. RMM can make digital out-of-home advertising possible in any retail environment. Add lighting and sound, and it’s like transforming your store with a stadium-like experience.

Needless to say, this level of personalization will enhance customer communications and help bridge the gap between the customer’s expectations and what the company can deliver. In many cases, that alone will help reduce complaints about service.

As with lots of other areas, RMM will likely improve the customer experience in ways we have not imagined yet. Canopy provides a comprehensive view of your solutions components, empowering you to detect issues in real-time before they affect your operations. Explore Canopy’s RMM platform potential for your hardware solution. Contact us today to discover how Canopy can revolutionize your remote device management, streamline operations, and reduce onsite support needs. Request a demo to experience the power of Canopy in optimizing efficiency and boosting customer satisfaction.

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